Appointments at Ballochmyle Medical Group

Dear Patients,
We thank you for the ongoing support you provide to Ballochmyle Medical Group. As with all GP practices across Scotland we have faced unprecedented demand over the last few years and our team is working tirelessly to try and manage this workload.

As you may have noticed the practice is continuing to work differently than it did pre-Covid. Due to increasing demands it is impossible to return to the appointment system we had prior to the pandemic.
All appointment requests are triaged by a Clinician each day. We do not have the resources to speak to/see every person on the same day they request a consultation.

Based on the information you provide either online or via our trained reception team – the Clinician will decide on how quickly your problem needs addressed and who is the best person to deal with it.
For example – if you have chest pain you will need to speak to a Clinician immediately however if you have had back pain for a few months a Doctor may arrange a consultation in a few days’ time. It may be that we can signpost you to another professional – an optician is the best person to see for an eye problem and a dentist is the best person to see if you are having problems with your teeth.

If the Clinician feels you need seen face to face we will arrange this rather than a telephone consultation.
Once your information has been triaged a member of our team will aim to get back in touch with you within 2 working days by telephone (if possible, at the time you have told us you are available).
If your issue is non urgent it may be that you have to wait for a few days for a member of the medical team to speak to you. If you wish to speak to a specific GP, again you may have to wait a few days. This is so the sickest people are always seen as a priority.

To request a consultation, you can either

1. Complete an online consultation request form
We have developed an online consultation request form for non-urgent issues.
It gives you the patient, the opportunity to write down as much information as you would like about your problem in the comfort of your own home/work etc.  The more information you give us, the more helpful it is for the Clinician to accurately triage your problem.
For your convenience this can be completed between 8am to 2pm on a Monday, and 8am to 3pm Tuesday-Friday. Our online form is not available Out of Hours, over the weekend, or on Public Holidays. There is no need to wait in a telephone queue or travel to the practice.

2. Speak to our Reception Team
We are aware that not everybody has access to the computer or feels comfortable completing online forms.
This is not a problem, just telephone the practice and stay on the line and one of our trained administrators will take your details. This information will be passed onto a Clinician to triage (just as the online forms are) and decide the next steps for your care e.g. telephone call/face to face appointment/blood test/advice/prescription etc.

The more information you can give us about your problem online or through our reception staff the better. This information helps us prioritise your case and direct it to the most appropriate person to help you with your problem.

Consultation options

Telephone consultations
Once the clinical team have your details, we will arrange a telephone call back as quickly as we can.
The vast majority of problems can be dealt with safely over the phone.
However, we have a number of other options that we may offer you depending on the help you require.

Telephone consultations plus photographs
We may ask you to send in a photo to give us more information – this is especially helpful for skin problems.

Face to face appointment in the surgery
We may ask you to attend the surgery in person. This is usually for patients who require an examination or a blood test or other procedure that cannot be done otherwise.

House calls
House calls are appropriate for very frail housebound patients or those requiring end of life care and this service continues to operate as normal. Please contact the practice reception team as early as possible if you feel you or a family member may require a home visit (before 10am).
The Clinician may phone you back to gather more information.

Other services

Cervical screening
This is now occurring as normal. Please contact the practice to arrange an appointment with the Practice Nurse. You will receive a letter from the Scottish Cervical Recall Team when this is due.

Nexplanon contraceptive implants/IUCD
This is now occurring as normal, as an enhanced service offered in house within the practice. Please speak to a member of the team for further information.

Chronic Disease monitoring
We have now restarted our chronic disease monitoring, you will receive an invitation letter by birth month recall.

Dressings/stitch removal
Our nursing team continue to provide this service.

Ear syringing
Our nursing team continue to provide this service, if deemed clinically appropriate.

Once again, we thank you for your continued support,
The Staff of Ballochmyle Medical Group

Practice staff will ask you for some general information to help you to see or speak to the most appropriate person in the practice. This may not always be with a doctor, but may be another member of the health care team. pharmacists, mental health nurses, physiotherapists, general practice nurses, or advanced nurse practitioners may be available to help.

Before you get in touch, consider whether you can manage your condition safely yourself by getting advice from our self-help guides or by speaking with your local pharmacist.

Find out more about accessing GP services

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